Cast Your Burden

“Cast thy burden upon the Lord, and he shall sustain thee: he shall never suffer the righteous to be moved.”
Psalm 55:22

Have you ever been overwhelmed by the burdens in your life? Burdens that last for a few days or even weeks, or burdens that linger at the back of your mind? These could also consist of worldly burdens that are placed upon your shoulders or spiritual burdens that you bear as a Christian. Have these caused you to be anxious, worried, or troubled? Have these burdens inflicted conflicts with your loved ones, or have they affected your spiritual walk with God?

Psalm 55:22 gives us a solution and a way to remove these overbearing burdens and be relieved. And that would be to cast these burdens on the Lord! In the eyes of the Almighty, such worries are nothing to Him. Slough off your heavy troubles unto Him, and God promises to sustain you – not for a brief moment so you can catch your breath, recover, and then go back to where you were, but for as long as you continually place your trust in Him. God will always establish your feet and you will never be moved or shaken.

But be careful not to take such a wonderful promise for granted. Casting our burdens upon the Lord does not mean we forgo all that we are required to do and separate ourselves from the burden. But rather, it is to commit it to the Lord, for He will do the heavy lifting, and you shall do your best for the Master. You will then see that your burden is lifted by His comforting presence and companionship, knowing that you are not walking that path alone, but with God by your side. So, if you are feeling weary and troubled, call upon the Lord today! Cast all your burdens and cares upon Him, for He cares deeply for you.

1 Peter 5:7 – Casting all your care upon him; for he careth for you.