Category Articles

Shaken Faith

Being a disciple of Jesus, Peter had seen Jesus perform many miracles like the feeding of the 5000 (Matthew 14:13-21), the healing of the sick and the lepers (Mark 1:40-44; Luke 7:1-10; 4:38, 39), the stilling of the stormy sea…

Forgiven to Forgive

UNCONDITIONAL FORGIVENESS There are many in Christian circles who believe – erroneously – that there can be forgiveness without repentance; in other words, unconditional forgiveness. They appeal to several Bible passages to substantiate their point of view. Luke 23:34 This…

Confession and Forgiveness

Over the years, the word “forgiveness” has been misdefined and misapplied that it has lost its original meaning. With the meaning watered down, the act of forgiveness has also become superficial and sentimental. Do Christians Need to Confess Our Sins?…

Rejoicing in Times of Trials

One very essential characteristic of the Christian life is joy. Paul tells us that we should “rejoice in the Lord always.” (Philippians 4:4) But this is not any kind of joy. It is a joy characterised by praising God. God…

Truth Reigns

Truth reigns. Paul writes: “We can do nothing against the truth, but for the truth” (2 Corinthians 13:8). As God’s people, we must be committed to the truth. And the truth is found in the revelation of God. Divine revelation…

A Healthy Christian – Part 2

Previously…In physical life, growth depends on nourishment, exercise, a conducive environment, and the body’s developing resistance to and overcoming diseases. The same is true in the Christian life. We need to feed on good spiritual nourishment, exercise ourselves unto godliness,…

A Healthy Christian – Part 1

What would we say of a six-year-old boy sitting in a baby pram sucking his thumb, crying for milk, refusing solid food because it is too hard to chew, and unable to speak a single word because he refuses to…

It’s a Love Problem

The topic of sin is something Christians enjoy discussing – at length from a third person’s point of view and I feel you. Christians have values to uphold and we testify not just to the people around us but to…

Working Towards Unity

4          There is one body, and one Spirit, even as ye are called in one hope of your calling; 5          One Lord, one faith, one baptism, 6          One God and Father of all, who is above all,…

What is your response to the Gospel?

Grateful Heart How grateful are we for the gospel of Christ? The Christians at Thessalonica were thankful for the gospel they had received from the apostle Paul. They received the message of the gospel not as man’s message but as…