Tag wisdom

A Perspective of Philemon

Who was this letter written to?This letter was written to Philemon, his family, and the church that met at his house. Who was Philemon?Philemon was a prominent member of the church at Colossae. He had been saved under Paul’s ministry,…


And have no fellowship with the unfruitful works of darkness, but rather reprove them” (Eph. 5:11). Halloween is celebrated in the Western world (and in Singapore too) as a fun time for kids to put on costumes and go door-to-door…

Money Matters (Matthew 6:19-24)

Jesus often deals with the real matter of how to handle money. Money in the hands of good men and rightly used can be of great blessing; but money in the hands of wicked men and wrongly used becomes a…

Too Young To Believe?

The prince of preachers, Charles H. Spurgeon once wrote: “The conversion of children is not expected in many of our churches and congregations. I mean, that they do not expect the children to be converted as children. The theory is that…

Godly Rebuke Brings True Repentance

What will your response be if you receive an email rebuking you of your errors? A typical first response would be to switch into an offensive mode, by replying with a nasty email directed to the sender, describing how wrong…

Let her own works praise her!!

Mothers’ Day has been celebrated in very different ways for the last few year because of safe distancing measures. Instead of having lunch together, many had virtual online gatherings. Although these involved more effort than before, it is only right…

The Risen Christ

This morning, we celebrate the resurrection of our Lord Jesus Christ. A study of the Gospels would give us a unified view of the events surrounding this blessed event. Early in the morning, on the first day of the week,…

The Lord’s Supper

“For as often as ye eat this bread, and drink this cup, ye do shew the Lord’s death till he come” (1 Cor. 11:26). Our church adheres to the Westminster Standards in having only two sacraments in the practices of…

The Road Less Travelled

Life is full of choices to make. I think we don’t have to live long to realise that. But thankfully, most of the choices we make do not really have much of an impact on our life. For example, each…

God’s Unchanging Goodness

Goodness is the prized object in Lunar New Year celebrations all over the world. We see it in the usual greetings exchanged during this season: Wishes are expressed that the new year will be a good one and that there…