Tag wisdom

Godliness – The Christian’s Distinctive Mark

Thomas Watson’s call to godliness as a distinctive mark and portrait of the Christian is what the apostles have been teaching. Paul says that as Christians, we are to “lead a quiet and peaceable life in all godliness and honesty”…

Enduring Faith

(In memory of Elder Tan Cheow Hock, who shared this devotion 3 months before his passing due to cancer. May we all have the same enduring faith regardless of our circumstances in life.) A couple of years back, I came…

Shaken Faith

Being a disciple of Jesus, Peter had seen Jesus perform many miracles like the feeding of the 5000 (Matthew 14:13-21), the healing of the sick and the lepers (Mark 1:40-44; Luke 7:1-10; 4:38, 39), the stilling of the stormy sea…

A Healthy Christian – Part 2

Previously…In physical life, growth depends on nourishment, exercise, a conducive environment, and the body’s developing resistance to and overcoming diseases. The same is true in the Christian life. We need to feed on good spiritual nourishment, exercise ourselves unto godliness,…

A Healthy Christian – Part 1

What would we say of a six-year-old boy sitting in a baby pram sucking his thumb, crying for milk, refusing solid food because it is too hard to chew, and unable to speak a single word because he refuses to…

Wisdom of Ecclesiastes – Part 4

Introduction and Recap The speaker remembers his time working in the yard of his friend’s father, who was a missionary in Russia. He recalls the reward that he got after a day’s work, and how it caused him to feel…

Wisdom of Ecclesiastes – Part 3

Finding Meaning in Life’s Journey (Sovereignty of God) A time to be born, a time to dieA time to plant, a time to reapA time to kill, a time to healA time to laugh, a time to weepTo everything turn,…

Wisdom of Ecclesiastes – Part 2

The Definition of Enjoying Life Thought: Before we consider the session, let us ask ourselves, what does it mean to enjoy life? The world’s version of enjoying life – physical pleasure, travel, wealth, status. We consider Ecclesiastes chapter 2 –…

Wisdom of Ecclesiastes – Part 1

Hershey’s Chocolate World, located in Pennsylvania, USA, offers a free Chocolate Tour ride that navigates through the entire chocolate making process in their factory. It begins with replicas of the cocoa trees to the harvest and production of cocoa beans,…